Sinister Plot | Nefarious Scheme
Misinformation and Misconceptions
Respectful Language
Attitude|Self Reflection
Homophobia and Heterosexism
Sinister Plot
To hear
some people talk, you'd get the impression that LGBTQ
people have some kind of hidden agenda or ulterior
motive. You might think LGBTQ people are up to no good,
that they have nefarious and sinister intentions and
that they mean to bring down the fabric of our society.
Based on the language some folks use, you might come to
the conclusion that LGBTQ people are plotting all manner
of evil schemes. So what is this hidden gay agenda? What
kind of conspiracy are those sneaky gay people plotting?
The bias in speech is evident when you hear someone
refer to an LGBTQ person as an "admitted homosexual or
an avowed homosexual or a practicing homosexual".
Instead, the preferred verbiage is "openly gay." You may
even hear people refer to the "homosexual lifestyle."
Such rhetoric might suggest that being a lesbian or gay
man is somehow shameful or inherently secretive. Coming
out of the closet and being open about being gay should
be seen as a positive and courageous act.
Wikipedia: Homosexual Agenda
Anderson Cooper
Takes on the Gay Agenda
Hidden Gay Agenda Revealed
TED Talk: Myth of the Gay
Lifestyle and Gay Agenda
Huff Post: The Real Gay Agenda
Real Gay and Transgender
Agenda Revealed
Maybe We Are Targeting
Your Children
You will sometimes hear people talk about the Homosexual
Agenda or the Gay Agenda. Instead, the conversation
should be about the Gay Rights Movement, the Civil
Rights Movement, or the Human Rights Movement.
"Lesbian and gay movement" accurately describes the
historical effort to achieve understanding and equal
treatment for gays and lesbians. The real gay agenda
concerns itself with equality. There is nothing evil or
sinister about that.
Notions of a "homosexual agenda" or a "gay agenda" are
rhetorical inventions of anti-gay extremists seeking to
portray as sinister the lesbian and gay civil rights
You might hear people talk in alarmist tones about how
the gay agenda is corrupting society and destroying the
traditional family structure. They speak in terms of
conspiracy. They label LGBTQ people and their supporters
as subversive.
And you will sometimes hear rhetoric that uses terms
like, "Special Rights" instead of "Equal Rights, Equal
Protection, and Human Rights." It really is about "equal
rights" not "special rights." Anti-gay extremists
frequently characterize civil rights and equal
protection of the law for LGBTQ Americans as "special
rights" in an attempt to energize opposition to
anti-discrimination and equal opportunity laws. In
reality, LGBTQ people just want what everybody else has.
Wikipedia: Homosexual Agenda
The Queer Agenda: Essays by
Shohreh Davoodi
Anderson Cooper
Takes on the Gay Agenda
Hidden Gay Agenda Revealed
TED Talk: Myth of the Gay
Lifestyle and Gay Agenda
Huff Post: The Real Gay Agenda
Maybe We Are Targeting
Your Children
SPLC: Debunking the Myth of the
Homosexual Agenda
Humor: Gay Agenda
Pastor Exposes the Gay Pride
We'll Convert
Your Children
Real Gay and Transgender Agenda
Marriage Equality Humor
Tennis Player Margaret Court Warns of the Gay Agenda
Queer Agenda: Party Game
Gay Propaganda
"Shall I tell you the secret of the Gay Agenda?
is to be loved and accepted as is. Just like anyone
Without having to change or be changed."
The gay
agenda (or homosexual agenda) is a term introduced by
sectors of the religious right (primarily in the United
States) as a disparaging way to describe the advocacy of
cultural acceptance and normalization of
non-heterosexual orientations and relationships. The
term refers to efforts to change government policies and
laws on LGBTQ rights-related issues. Additionally, it
has been used by social conservatives and others to
describe alleged goals of LGBTQ rights activists, such
as disseminating "homosexual propaganda" and recruiting
heterosexuals into what conservatives term a "homosexual
Proponents of the "gay agenda" believe that there is an
evil, concerted, international plot to intentionally
weaken heterosexuals by feminizing men and maculating
women. According to these people, this goal is achieved
by forcing society to see gay people as everyday human
beings, thereby "normalizing" homosexuality.
Anti-LGBTQ factions are busy spreading lies, myths, and
misinformation intended to promote the notion of a
homosexual agenda...
--Gays and
lesbians are recruiting young people
--Gay men
molest children
--Same-sex parents harm children
people are taking over the public schools
people are infiltrating the media with TV shows that
make the gay lifestyle seem normal
people want to destroy traditional family values
people want special rights
--Hate crime laws will lead to the jailing of pastors
who criticize homosexuality
crimes laws will lead to the legalization of practices
like bestiality
--Allowing gay people to serve openly will damage the
armed forces
--Gay people are more prone to be mentally ill and to
abuse drugs and alcohol
people are not really born gay
There is a
renewed effort by certain conservative groups to attack
what they term as "gay propaganda." For the purpose of
safeguarding children and preserving traditional family
values, these groups are insisting that laws be passed
to protect children from being exposed to homosexuality
(content presenting homosexuality as being a norm in
society) under the argument that it contradicts
traditional family values. They oppose the distribution
of propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships
among minors.
Wikipedia: Homosexual Agenda
Anderson Cooper
Takes on the Gay Agenda
Hidden Gay Agenda Revealed
TED Talk: Myth of the Gay
Lifestyle and Gay Agenda
Huff Post: The Real Gay Agenda
Real Gay and Transgender
Agenda Revealed
Maybe We Are Targeting
Your Children
What About the
Homo Schedule?
heard of the Gay Agenda. But, have you heard of any of
these fabulous schemes?
Queer Quest
Homosexual Happening
Pride Program
The Pan Plan
The Sapphic Schedule
Genderqueer Curriculum
The Asexual Arrangement
Intersex Itinerary
The Bisexual Bulletin
Drag Queen Docket
The Closeted Course of Action
Same-Sex Syllabus
The Demisexual Disposition
Transgender Timetable
Homo Schedule
Margaret Court
Attacks Gay Agenda
Apparently, if you are a woman involved in the sport of
tennis, you might end up with a nasty case of
lesbianism. Yes, it turns out that tennis, a supposedly
respectable sport, is basically a girl-on-girl lovefest.
So says Australian tennis legend Margaret Court.
recently took it upon herself to warn the world that
"tennis is full of lesbians." What’s more, they’re the
militant sort, intent on spreading sapphism willy-nilly.
The 74-year-old noted that, back when she was playing
professionally, there were only a couple of gay players,
but those players led young players into parties and
other activities and converted them to the gay
But don’t
hate the players, hate the gays. Because, as Court
pointed out, they’re everywhere, perpetually pushing
their Gay Agenda. The former world tennis No 1
explained, for example, that an Australian program
tackling homophobic bullying in schools is actually the
work of a sinister “gay lobby” trying to "get into the
minds of children." Basically, said Court, it’s just
like Hitler and communism.
Court’s statements have caused considerable controversy.
Martina Navratilova, for example, has led demands for
the Margaret Court Arena in Melbourne to be renamed in
Arwa Mahdawi, The Guardian, June 2017]
Wikipedia: Homosexual Agenda
Anderson Cooper
Takes on the Gay Agenda
Hidden Gay Agenda Revealed
TED Talk: Myth of the Gay
Lifestyle and Gay Agenda
Huff Post: The Real Gay Agenda
Pastor Exposes the Gay Pride
Maybe We Are Targeting
Your Children
The Queer Agenda: Essays by
Shohreh Davoodi
Humor: Gay Agenda
Real Gay and Transgender Agenda
Marriage Equality Humor
We'll Convert Your Children
Tennis Player Margaret Court Warns of the Gay Agenda
Queer Agenda: Party Game
Examples in the
David Icke,
writer, journalist, broadcaster, professional conspiracy
theorist, and "full time investigator into who and what
is really controlling the world," has stated publicly
that, "The homosexual agenda is incompatible with the
traditions of western civilization."
Before he died in 2007, Jerry Falwell warned everyone:
"If we do not act now, homosexuals will own America. If
you and I do not speak up now, this homosexual
steamroller will literally crush all decent men, women,
and children who get in its way. And our nation will pay
a terrible price."
Conservative columnist Joshua Rhett Miller offered his
opinion in February 2010 on legislation being considered
by the US Congress. He said, "The gay discrimination
bill currently before congress will stifle free speech
and advance the homosexual agenda." He went on to
explain that the bill that was intended to prohibit
discrimination in public schools based on sexual
orientation and gender identity could even lead to
"homosexual indoctrination in the nation's classrooms."
Alan Sears, President of the Alliance Defending Freedom,
has stated, "The goals of those who would impose
same-sex marriage on this country are nothing short of
subversive. In order to validate their sexual choices,
activists in support of homosexual behavior will stop at
nothing, even if it means destroying marriage,
redefining the family, outlawing all opposition as hate
speech, and undermining our precious heritage of
The editorial/opinion page in a local newspaper posted
the following comment: "The gay agenda has to stop,
particularly in the schools. My grandson came home from
school and said they were talking about homo sapiens in
science class. We need to put a stop to this."
Conservapedia: Homosexual Agenda
Renew America: Unmasking the Gay Agenda
Gay Agenda
AM Gym.
8:00 AM Breakfast (oatmeal
and egg whites).
9:00 AM Hair appointment.
10:00 AM Shopping (Nordstroms, Saks).
12:00 PM Brunch.
2:00 PM Assume complete
control of the US Federal, State and Local Governments
as well as all other national governments. Recruit all
straight youngsters to our debauched lifestyle. Destroy
all healthy heterosexual marriages. Replace all school
counselors in grades K-12 with agents of Colombian and
Jamaican drug cartels. Establish planetary chain of
"homo breeding gulags" where over-medicated imprisoned
straight women are turned into artificially impregnated
baby factories to produce prepubescent love slaves for
our devotedly pederastic gay leadership. Bulldoze all
houses of worship. Secure total control of the internet
and all mass media for the exclusive use of child
2:15 PM Be fabulous.
2:30 PM Mud mask and
beauty rest to prevent facial wrinkles from stress of
world conquest.
4:00 PM Cocktails.
6:00 PM Light Dinner
(soup, salad with romaine, radicchio, arugula, and
balsamic vinaigrette dressing, with Chardonnay).
8:00 PM Theater.
10:30 PM Do a little dance, make a
little love, get down tonight.
11:00 PM Bed.
Whose Agenda?
If the gay agenda were like a church, we'd come to your
door to recruit you. We'd put our literature in hotels.
We'd print "In Gay We Trust" on money. And gay bars
wouldn't be taxed. So, tell us more about the gay
Wikipedia: Homosexual Agenda
We'll Convert
Your Children
Anderson Cooper
Takes on the Gay Agenda
Hidden Gay Agenda Revealed
TED Talk: Myth of the Gay
Lifestyle and Gay Agenda
Tennis Player Margaret Court
Warns of the Gay Agenda
Huff Post: The Real Gay Agenda
Maybe We Are Targeting
Your Children
Humor: Gay Agenda
Real Gay and Transgender Agenda
Marriage Equality Humor
Pastor Exposes the Gay Pride
Agenda: Rhetoric of the Opposition
In the US, the term "gay agenda" was first used in
public discourse in 1992 when the Family Research
Council, an American conservative religious group,
released a video series called The Gay Agenda as
part of a pack of materials campaigning on homosexual
issues and the "hidden gay agenda". In the same year the
Oregon Citizens Alliance used this video as part of
their campaign for Ballot Measure 9 to amend the Oregon
Constitution to prevent what the OCA called "special
rights" for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
The term is applied to efforts to change government
policies and laws on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender issues, such as, for example, same-sex
marriage and civil unions, LGBTQ adoption, recognizing
sexual orientation as a protected civil rights minority
classification, LGBTQ military participation, inclusion
of LGBTQ history and themes in public education,
introduction of anti-bullying legislation to protect
LGBTQ minors. The term is also used against
non-governmental campaigns and individual actions that
increase visibility and cultural acceptance of LGBTQ
people, relationships, and identities. The term has also
been used by some social conservatives to describe
alleged goals of LGBTQ rights activists, such as
recruiting and brainwashing heterosexuals into what they
term a "homosexual lifestyle."
The idea of a homosexual agenda is also used by some
religious critics of LGBTQ rights in conjunction with a
putative ideology they refer to as "homosexualism" (as
opposed to the accepted synonym for homosexuality),
using the term "homosexualists" to describe people who
seek to advance LGBTQ emancipation. The use of "homosexualist"
in this way first appeared in 1995 in Scott Lively and
Kevin Abrams' book The Pink Swastika, to refer to
any person, homosexual or not, who actively promotes
homosexuality as morally and socially equivalent to
heterosexuality as a basis for social policy.
Wikipedia: Homosexual Agenda
Anderson Cooper
Takes on the Gay Agenda
Hidden Gay Agenda Revealed
TED Talk: Myth of the Gay
Lifestyle and Gay Agenda
SPLC: Debunking the Myth of the
Homosexual Agenda
Huff Post: The Real Gay Agenda
Real Gay and Transgender
Agenda Revealed
Maybe We Are Targeting
Your Children
Queer Agenda: Party Game
The Queer Agenda: Essays
by Shohreh Davoodi
│ LGBTQ Information Network │ Established 2017 |