Heterosexism | Sexual Prejudice





Stress and Anxiety

Cisnormative and Cissexism

Bullying and Suicide

Tragic Events

Hate Crimes



Defining Homophobia and Heterosexism


Heterocentrism -Ideology and assumption that all people are or should be heterosexual and that LGBTQ people are not important. It is an ongoing disregard for and dismissal of LGBTQ people.


Heteronormative - Dominant belief or attitude, which is a part of the heterocentric mindset,  that heterosexuality is the norm and that homosexuality is somehow unnatural and wrong. It is the assumption that sexual and romantic relationships must only be between a man and a woman.


Heterosexism - Belief in the inherent superiority of heterosexuality and, thereby, it’s right to dominance and power. This assumption supports a system in which homosexual people are regarded as second-class citizens.


Homophobia - Fear, hatred, disgust, or intolerance of same-sex intimacy, relationships, atypical gender behavior, and/or people who identify as or are perceived as LGBTQ. This manifestation is characterized by mistreatment and oppression of LGBTQ people.


Homophobia refers to the many ways in which people are oppressed on the basis of sexual orientation. Sometimes homophobia is intentional, where there is a clear intent to hurt lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. Homophobia can also be unintentional, where there is no desire to hurt anyone, but where people are unaware of the consequences of their actions.


There are four distinct but interrelated types of homophobia: personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural. Institutional and cultural homophobia are often referred to as heterosexism.

Personal homophobia is prejudice. It is the personal belief that lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are sinful, immoral, sick, inferior to heterosexuals, or incomplete women and men. Prejudice towards any group is learned behavior. People have to be taught to be prejudiced.

Personal homophobia is sometimes experienced as the fear of being perceived as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. This fear can lead to trying to “prove” one’s heterosexuality. Anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, can experience personal homophobia. When this happens with LGBTQ people, it is sometimes called “internalized homophobia.”

Interpersonal homophobia is the fear, dislike, or hatred of people believed to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual. This hatred or dislike may be expressed by name-calling, verbal and physical harassment, and individual acts of discrimination or by the rejection of friends, co-workers, and/or family members.

NY Times: Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay

Roots and Causes of Homophobia

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Homophobia: Origins and Cures

Video: Therapy Session for Homophobic People

Debate: Does Religion Cause Homophobia?

Info: Check Your Attitude

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

Internalized Homophobia: What is it? And How Do You Overcome it?
Heteronormativity Explained

An Illustration of Privilege

Info: Cisnormative



Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are regularly attacked for no other reason than their assailants’ homophobia. Most people act out their fears of lesbians and gay men in non-violent, more commonplace ways. Relatives often shun their LGBTQ family members. Co-workers are distant and cold to lesbian and gay employees. Or people simply never ask about acquaintances’ lives.

Institutional homophobia refers to the many ways in which government, business, religious institutions, and other institutions and organizations discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation. These organizations and institutions set policies, allocate resources, and maintain both written and unwritten standards for the behavior of their members in ways that discriminate.

For example, many religious organizations have stated policies against LGBTQ people holding offices. Many schools fail or refuse to allocate funds and staff for LGBTQ support groups. And many businesses have norms for social events which prevent LGBTQ employees from bringing their same sex partners while heterosexual employees bring their opposite sex partners.

Cultural homophobia refers to social standards and norms that dictate that being heterosexual is better or more moral than being lesbian or gay, and that everyone is heterosexual or should be. While these standards are not written down as such, they are spelled out each day in the television shows and print advertisements where virtually every character is heterosexual and every sexual relationship involves a female and a male; or in the assumption made by most adults in social situations that all “normal” children will eventually be attracted to and marry a person of the other sex.

Often, heterosexuals don’t realize that these standards exist, while LGBTQ people are acutely aware of the standards. The feeling that results is one of being an outsider in the society.


Transphobia Explained

NY Times: Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

Roots and Causes of Homophobia

Info: Cisnormative

Homophobia: Origins and Cures

Info: Check Your Attitude

Heteronormativity Explained

An Illustration of Privilege

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination


Defining Transphobia and Cisnormativity


Similar to homophobia, heterosexism, and heteronormativity (which are directed at homosexual people), transphobia and cisnormativity are directed at transgender and gender non-conforming people.


Transphobia - Fear, hatred, disgust, mistreatment, or intolerance of transgender people. The prejudice directed toward transgender people.

Cisnormativity - Belief in the inherent superiority of cisgender people and, thereby, it’s right to dominance.
A term referring to the assumption that cisgender is the norm and that all, or almost all, individuals are cisgender. The presumption that everyone is cisgender unless otherwise specified.


Cisnormativity is a term related to heteronormativity, heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, gender essentialism, cissexism, and other forms of oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identity.


Cissexism - Appeal to norms that enforce the gender binary and gender essentialism, resulting in the oppression of gender variant, non-binary, and transgender identities. Also termed cisgenderism, cisnormativity or cissexual assumption, occasionally used synonymously with transphobia.


Cisgenderism - Assumption that, due to human sexual differentiation, one's gender is determined solely by a biological sex of male or female (based on the assumption that all people must have either an XX or XY sex-chromosome pair, or, in the case of cisgenderism, a bivalent male or female expression), and that trans people are inferior to cisgender people due to being in "defiance of nature."


Cisgender Privilege - Set of unearned advantages that individuals who identify with their biological sex accrue solely due to having a cisgender identity.


Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Heteronormativity Explained

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

50 Years a Scapegoat: LGBTQ Community Once Again in GOP Crosshairs

Info: Check Your Attitude

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Internalized Homophobia: What is it? And How Do You Overcome it?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice



Relevant Comments


"It seems to me the most important issue in the LGBTQ community is the right to be queer, the right to be free of the heterosexual assumption."

-Jasmine Guy


"The widely held belief that the heterosexual nuclear family is best for children has long been used as a smoke screen for homophobia and as a talking point to quash marriage-equality efforts."

-Jessica Valenti


"If there is a substantial difference between a gay couple and a childless heterosexual couple, I'm unable to see it."

-Daniel Keys Moran


"When you hear someone say something homophobic, it really ages them. It sounds old-fashioned."

-Kathryn Prescott

"Maybe you are homophobic a little bit, but then you see me, and you've always loved me. And then you're like, Oh, that's OK. It's fine. Once it gets a little bit more personal, it helps break down those barriers."

-Megan Rapinoe

Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

I Didn't Like Gay People
Info: Check Your Attitude

Heteronormativity Explained

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

50 Years a Scapegoat: LGBTQ Community Once Again in GOP Crosshairs

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Transphobia Explained

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Mexican Soccer Team Asks Fans to Halt Homophobic Chants at Games

Wikipedia: Heterosexism
Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

"There are homophobic people in my family. They're deeply religious."

-Nelsan Ellis

"We’re sick of hearing people say, That guy is so gay or Those guys are fags. Gay is not a synonym for shitty. If you wanna say something’s shitty, say it’s shitty. Stop being such homophobic assholes."
-Pete Wentz

"The whole world goes on and on about love. Poets spend their lives writing about it. Everyone thinks it's the most wonderful thing. But, when you mention two guys in love, they forget all that and freak out."
-Mark A. Roeder


"The only thing wrong with being gay is how some people treat you when they find out."
-Robin Reardon

"To be raped is to be sexually violated. For society to force someone, through shame and ostracism, to comply with love and sex that it defines, is nothing but organized rape. That is what homophobia is all about. Organized rape."
-Lee Maracle


“If you homophobic, you just ugly.”
-Cardi B


Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

How Privileged Are You?

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

Heteronormativity Explained

Video: Therapy Session for Homophobic People

Info: Cisnormative

Wikipedia: Heterosexism

I'm Not Homophobic...But...

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Homophobia: Psychological Explanation

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?



Oppressing Sexual Minorities

For purposes of sociological categorization, homosexual, transgender, and queer people are considered to be members of a sexual minority.  The term sexual minority refers to any identity, orientation, expression, lifestyle, or practice that doesn’t comply with the mainstream heterosexual or cisgender concept of normal sexual or gender behavior. 


The term sexual minority can be used as an umbrella term to encompass any group or individual who identifies as homosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, asexual, transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, gender-nonconforming, gender variant, agender, intersex, androgynous, drag, polyamorous, kinky, or otherwise queer.


As members of a sexual minority, LGBTQ people are often subject to the rules and attitudes of the majority heterosexual or straight community. There is a potential in a heterocentric environment (or ideology) to breed heterosexism (or a heterosexist system) that results in heterosexual privilege and homophobia. As with any minority group, there is risk of oppression from members of the majority group.


Using the term sexual minority in certain conversations helps to focus on the potential for oppression, prejudice, and discrimination by the majority group. A civilized society recognizes that minority voices must be heard and that members of the minority community must be included.


Heterosexism is the assumption that only heterosexual relationships are normal and should therefore be privileged. Heterosexism is based on societal values that dictate that everyone is, or should be, heterosexual.

Intentionally or unintentionally, our society bestows privileges on heterosexuality and heterosexual persons, and devalues, mistreats, or discriminates against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons and those perceived to be so.

Heterosexual privilege bestows unearned and unchallenged advantages and rewards on heterosexuals solely as a result of their sexual orientation. These benefits are not automatically granted to LGBTQ persons.

Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice



Sexual Minorities and the Media


Sexual minorities are generally portrayed in the mass media as being ignored, trivialized, or condemned. The term symbolic annihilation accounts for their lack of characterization due to not fitting into the white, heterosexual, vanilla type lifestyle.


Some individuals have made their way into the media through television and music. TV shows such as The Ellen DeGeneres Show and ABC’s Modern Family star individuals who are open about their non-heterosexual lifestyles. 


While sexual minorities do have a place in the media, it is often critiqued that they are still limited in their representations. In shows, if a character is gay, they are often a very shallow character that is only present for comic relief or as a plot twist. Compared to a heteronormative counterpart, the sexual minority is often a mere side-kick. However, since the integration of actors, musicians, and characters of sexual minorities, the idea of non-normativity has become more normalized in society.



Defining Privilege

A person who is privileged is not subject to the usual rules or penalties because of some special circumstance. Privilege is an unearned right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most. It is the unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantage that a restricted group of people has over another group. It is a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities. Examples include the socioeconomic privileges of the very rich, white privilege based on skin color, male privilege, heterosexual privilege.

Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Wikipedia: Heterosexism

Roots and Causes of Homophobia

Internalized Homophobia: What is it? And How Do You Overcome it?

Info: Cisnormative

Homophobia: Origins and Cures

Privilege Walk: What is Privilege


Heterosexual Privilege

Heterosexual privilege means living without ever having to think twice, face, confront, engage, or cope with anything listed below. Heterosexuals can address these phenomena, but social/political forces do not require them to do so.

Not questioning your normalcy, sexually and culturally:

--Having role models of your gender and sexual orientation.
--Learning about romance and relationships from fiction, movies, and television.
--Having positive media images of people with whom you can identify.

Validation from the culture, friends, and family:

--Living with your partner and doing so openly to all.
--Talking about your relationship, and what projects, vacations, and family planning you and your lover/partner are creating.
--Expressing pain when a relationship ends and having other people notice and attend to your pain.
--Receiving social acceptance from neighbors, colleagues, and new friends.
--Not having to hide and lie about gay/lesbian friends and social activities.
--Dating the person of the gender you desire in your teen years.
--Kissing/hugging/being affectionate in public without threat or punishment.
--Living comfortably in a residence hall without enduring the fear of rejection from roommates or other residents.
--Dressing without worrying about what it represents.
--Working without being identified by your sexuality/culture (you get to be a farmer, bricklayer, or artist without being labeled the heterosexual farmer, the heterosexual bricklayer, or the heterosexual artist).


Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Institutional Acceptance:

--Increased possibilities for getting a job, receiving on the job training and promotion.
--Receiving validation from your religious community, being able to be a member of the clergy/religious leadership.
--Being employed as a teacher in pre-school through high school without fear of being fired any day because you are assumed to corrupt children.
--Adopting children, foster-parenting children.
--Raising children without threats of state intervention, without children having to be worried which of their friends might reject them because of their parent’s sexuality and culture.
--Being able to serve in the military.
--Receiving equal benefits for you and your partner.

Legal marriage, which includes the following privileges:

--Public recognition and support for an intimate relationship.
--Celebration of your commitment to another with gifts, cards, and congratulations from others.
--Social expectations of longevity and stability for your committed
--Joint child custody.
--Paid leave from employment and condolences when grieving the death of your partner/lover.
--Property laws, filing joint tax returns, inheriting from your partner/lover automatically under probate laws.
--Sharing health, auto, and homeowners’ insurance policies at reduced rates.
--Immediate access to your loved ones in cases of accident or emergency.
--Family-of-origin support for a life partner/lover.

--Access to a hospitalized love one.

Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Wikipedia: Heterosexism



Sexual Prejudice

LGBTQ people have long been stigmatized. With the rise of the gay political movement in the late 1960s, however, homosexuality's condemnation as immoral, criminal, and sick came under increasing scrutiny. When the American Psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality as a psychiatric diagnosis in 1973, the question of why some heterosexuals harbor strongly negative attitudes toward homosexuals began to receive serious scientific consideration.


Society's rethinking of sexual orientation was crystallized in the term homophobia, which heterosexual psychologist George Weinberg coined in the late 1960s. Weinberg used homophobia to label heterosexuals' dread of being in close quarters with homosexuals as well as homosexuals' self loathing. The word first appeared in print in 1969 and was subsequently discussed at length in Weinberg's 1972 book, Society and the Healthy Homosexual.

The American Heritage Dictionary (1992 edition) defines homophobia as "aversion to gay or homosexual people or their lifestyle or culture" and "behavior or an act based on this aversion." Other definitions identify homophobia as an irrational fear of homosexuality.


NY Times: Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay

Roots and Causes of Homophobia

Heteronormativity Explained

Internalized Homophobia: What is it? And How Do You Overcome it?

Info: Check Your Attitude

Homophobia: Origins and Cures

Lady Gaga: Till it Happens to You



Around the same time, heterosexism began to be used as a term analogous to sexism and racism, describing an ideological system that denies, denigrates, and stigmatizes any nonheterosexual form of behavior, identity, relationship, or community (Herek, 1990). Using the term heterosexism highlights the parallels between antigay sentiment and other forms of prejudice, such as racism, antisemitism, and sexism.

Like institutional racism and sexism, heterosexism pervades societal customs and institutions. It operates through a dual process of invisibility and attack. Homosexuality usually remains culturally invisible; when people who engage in homosexual behavior or who are identified as homosexual become visible, they are subject to attack by society.

Examples of heterosexism in the United States include the continuing ban against lesbian and gay military personnel; widespread lack of legal protection from antigay discrimination in employment, housing, and services; hostility to lesbian and gay committed relationships, recently dramatized by passage of federal and state laws against same-gender marriage; and the existence of sodomy laws in more than one-third of the states.

Although usage of the two words has not been uniform, homophobia has typically been employed to describe individual antigay attitudes and behaviors whereas heterosexism has referred to societal-level ideologies and patterns of institutionalized oppression of non-heterosexual people.


Debate: Does Religion Cause Homophobia?

Info: Cisnormative

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

We Kiss in a Shadow

Video: Therapy Session for Homophobic People

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

An Illustration of Privilege

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Transphobia Explained



By drawing popular and scientific attention to antigay hostility, the creation of these terms marked a watershed. Nevertheless, they have important limitations.

Critics have observed that the term "homophobia" is problematic for at least two reasons.

First, empirical research does not indicate that heterosexuals' antigay attitudes can reasonably be considered a phobia in the clinical sense. Indeed, the limited data available suggest that many heterosexuals who express hostility toward gay men and lesbians do not manifest the physiological reactions to homosexuality that are associated with other phobias (see Shields & Harriman, 1984).

Second, using homophobia implies that antigay prejudice is an individual, clinical entity rather than a social phenomenon rooted in cultural ideologies and intergroup relations. Moreover, a phobia is usually experienced as dysfunctional and unpleasant. Antigay prejudice, however, is often highly functional for the heterosexuals who manifest it.

As antigay attitudes have become increasingly central to conservative political and religious ideologies since the 1980s, these limitations have become more problematic. However, heterosexism, with its historic macro-level focus on cultural ideologies rather than individual attitudes, is not a satisfactory replacement for homophobia.


Sexual Prejudice

Scientific analysis of the psychology of antigay attitudes will be facilitated by a new term. Sexual prejudice serves this purpose nicely. Broadly conceived, sexual prejudice refers to all negative attitudes based on sexual orientation, whether the target is homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Given the current social organization of sexuality, however, such prejudice is almost always directed at people who engage in homosexual behavior or label themselves gay, lesbian, or bisexual (Herek, 2000).

Like other types of prejudice, sexual prejudice has three principal features:

--It is an attitude (an evaluation or judgment).
--It is directed at a social group and its members.
--It is negative, involving hostility or dislike.

Conceptualizing heterosexuals' negative attitudes toward homosexuality and bisexuality as sexual prejudice (rather than homophobia) has several advantages. First, sexual prejudice is a descriptive term. Unlike homophobia, it conveys no a priori assumptions about the origins, dynamics, and underlying motivations of antigay attitudes.

Second, the term explicitly links the study of antigay hostility with the rich tradition of social psychological research on prejudice.

Third, using the construct of sexual prejudice does not require value judgments that antigay attitudes are inherently irrational or evil.

[Source: Herek, G. M., The context of anti-gay violence: Notes on cultural and psychological heterosexism, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1990. Herek, G. M., The psychology of sexual prejudice, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2000. Shields, S. A., & Harriman, R. E., Fear of male homosexuality: Cardiac responses of low and high homonegative males, Journal of Homosexuality, 1984]

NY Times: Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay

Roots and Causes of Homophobia

Heteronormativity Explained

Internalized Homophobia: What is it? And How Do You Overcome it?

Info: Check Your Attitude

Homophobia: Origins and Cures

Lady Gaga: Till it Happens to You

Debate: Does Religion Cause Homophobia?

Info: Cisnormative

Heterosexual Privilege: 30 Examples

We Kiss in a Shadow

Video: Therapy Session for Homophobic People

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

An Illustration of Privilege

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Transphobia Explained





It has been suggested that "homophobia" is not an entirely appropriate term in all circumstances to describe anti-gay attitudes and sexual prejudice towards LGBTQ people. There is a difference between homophobia and homonegativity. Increasingly, the term "homonegativity" has been used in a clinical way by some researchers.


Homonegativity describes a negative attitude or disapproval towards homosexuality or homosexual people. Like homophobia, it is an oppressive mindset and social force that deleteriously affects the lives and well-being of gay men and lesbian women.


Those who express homonegative attitudes draw upon their religious beliefs, internal affective reactions, and beliefs that homosexuality is unnatural and a choice in order to make sense of their homonegativity.

"Homophobia" is a description of emotions and feelings towards homosexuality, such as fear, hatred or aversion.  Meanwhile, "homonegativity" refers to an intellectual dismissal or disapproval of homosexuality.


Examining Heterosexual Privilege


I Have Heterosexual Privilege if...

--I don’t have to worry about hiding my friends, partner, and my weekend activities and can talk about it when I come in to work on Monday morning.
--I don’t have to feel like a split personality.
--I am able to be fully who I am at work or school without having to worry about what others may say about my partner or friends.
--I don’t have to lead a double life.
--I should need to move, I can be pretty sure that my neighbors will be neutral, pleasant, and/or accepting of me.
--I can turn on the TV or radio or open up to the front page of the paper and see people of my orientation widely and positively represented.
--When people talk about our national heritage or civilization, I am shown that people like me did contribute to it in positive and healthy ways.
--I can, at my workplace, talk about my partner or have a picture on my desk, without fearing that people will automatically disapprove or think that I am being “flamboyant,” “blatant,” or “forcing my beliefs” upon them.
--I can be open about my sexual orientation at work without fear of reprisal in terms of job promotion, loss of job, or be accused of negatively affecting the work climate.
--I can bring my partner to work related parties and events and be seen as promoting a positive familial climate.
--I can get paid leave from work and/or condolences when grieving for the death of a long term partner.
--My friends can be seen with me without being afraid of being labeled by others.
--I can go apartment or house hunting with my partner without fear of reprisal.



Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

Heteronormativity Explained

We Kiss in a Shadow

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Lady Gaga: Till it Happens to You

Wikipedia: Heterosexism

--I can, if I wish, arrange to be in the company of people of my sexual orientation most of the time.
--I can avoid spending time with people who look upon my sexual orientation with repulsion, hatred, loathing, or even pity.
--I can publicly hold hands, kiss, or otherwise express affection to my loved one without fear of harassment or attack.
--I can express myself sexually without the fear of being prosecuted for breaking the law.
--My romantic and emotional intimacies have not been reduced to being based upon an act of sex.
--I can go wherever I want and know that I will not be harassed, beaten, mugged, or killed because of my sexual orientation.
--I can talk about my sexual orientation without people thinking that it is abnormal, unnatural, a crime against God or Nature, or that I am a freak.
--I have never been accused of being “disgusting,” of flaunting my sexuality, or of being obsessed with sex for sharing romantic experiences.
--I can expect my family to include me and my partner at family events, occasions and gatherings.
--I can be pretty sure I will not be denied the right to marry whomever I choose to.
--I need not fear emotional and financial truncation from my family because of my sexual orientation.
--If I decide to adopt a child, I am perfectly certain that my sexual orientation will not be an issue of concern; or that I will be seen as influencing a child towards a particular sexual orientation.
--I can be pretty sure that I can raise, adopt, and teach children without people believing that I am a child molester or will force them into my sexual orientation.
--I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to our familial existence in positive ways.
--I can raise my children without fear of state intervention because of my sexual orientation.
--I can be pretty sure that my children will not be made fun of, ridiculed, or harassed because of who raises them.
--I can approach my medical doctor and be open about my health and illnesses without fear of being judged or denied service.
--I can approach the legal system, social service organizations, and government agencies without fearing discrimination because of my sexual orientation.


--I can join the military and be open about my sexual orientation.
--I can belong to a religious organization or denomination of my choice and know that I will not be condemned or denounced by the religious leaders and the members because of my sexual orientation.
--I can be close friends with people who do not share my sexual orientation.
--I can teach from pre-school through high-school without fear of being fired any day.
--I can teach about lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender or intersex people without being seen as having “a bias” because of my orientation, or of forcing a “homosexual or personal agenda” on students.
--I can easily find academic courses and institutions that give attention to people of my sexual orientation.
--I can go home from most meetings of organizations I belong to feeling tied in and accepted, rather than isolated, outnumbered, held at a distance, or feared.
--I can worry about homophobia without being seen as self-interested or self-seeking.
--I have the right to inherit jointly-owned property when my partner passes away.
--I can receive tax breaks, health and insurance coverage, and spousal legal rights through being in a long term relationship.
--I can get auto and homeowners’ insurance policies at reduced rates with my partner.
--I have the right to visit my partner in the hospital and intensive care and make important medical decisions for him/her.
--I can legally sponsor my partner to live in the United States who is not a US citizen or Permanent Resident.
--I can expect that most social institutions will validate me by social gestures such as nurture, support, and the usual celebratory cards, emails, and phone calls that celebrate who I am and my relationship to another person.
--I don’t have to constantly explain that I am not “a pedophile.”
--I have never been asked if I am heterosexual because I had a bad homosexual experience.
--I have never been accused of hating women because I am married to a man.

[Source: Shiva Subbaraman, University of Maryland]


Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

Heteronormativity Explained

We Kiss in a Shadow

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Lady Gaga: Till it Happens to You

Wikipedia: Heterosexism



LGBTQ Discrimination

Homophobia/biphobia/transphobia take many different forms, including physical acts of hate, violence, verbal assault, vandalism or blatant discrimination such as firing an employee, evicting someone from their housing or denying them access to public accommodations. There are many other kinds of homophobia/biphobia/transphobia and heterosexism that happen every day. We often overlook these more subtle actions and exclusions because they seem so insignificant by comparison. They are not. The following are examples of homophobia/biphobia/transphobia.

--Looking at an LGBTQ person and automatically thinking of his or her sexuality or gender rather than seeing her/him as a whole, complex person.
--Failing to be supportive when your LGBTQ friend is sad about a quarrel or breakup.
--Changing your seat in a meeting because an LGBTQ person sat in the chair next to yours.
--Thinking you can spot one.
--Using the terms “lesbian” or “gay” as accusatory.
--Not asking about a woman’s girlfriend/partner or a man’s boyfriend/partner although you regularly ask “How is your husband/wife?” when you run into a heterosexual friend.
--Thinking that a lesbian (if you are female) or gay man (if you are male) is making sexual advances if he or she touches you.
--Feeling repulsed by public displays of affection between lesbians and gay men but accepting the same affectional displays between heterosexuals.
--Feeling that LGBTQ people are too outspoken about civil rights.


--Assuming all LGBTQ people are sexually active.
--Feeling that discussions about homophobia and heterosexism are not necessary since you are “okay” on these issues.
--Assuming that everyone you meet is heterosexual.
--Feeling that a lesbian is just a woman who couldn’t find a man or that a lesbian is a woman who wants to be a man.
--Feeling that a gay man is just a man who couldn’t find a woman or that a gay man is a man who wants to be a woman.
--Not confronting a homophobic remark for fear of being identified with or as LGBTQ.
--Worrying about the effect an LGBTQ volunteer/co-worker will have on your work or your clients.
--Wondering why lesbians and gay men have to “flaunt” their sexuality, when all around you on TV, billboards, and in film heterosexuals are exhibiting much more blatant behavior.
--Avoiding mentioning to your friends that you are involved with a women’s organization or a men’s organization that emphasizes domestic skills, because you are afraid that they will think you are LGBTQ.
--Asking your LGBTQ colleagues to comment on LGBTQ issues, but not about other issues about which they may be knowledgeable.
--Assuming that a lesbian or gay man would be heterosexual if given an opportunity.
--Focusing exclusively on someone’s sexual orientation and not on other issues of concern.
--Being outspoken about LGBTQ rights, but making sure everyone knows that you are heterosexual.
--Being afraid to ask questions about LGBTQ issues when you don’t know the answers.


NY Times: Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay

Roots and Causes of Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

Homophobia: Origins and Cures

Transphobia Explained

Debate: Does Religion Cause Homophobia?

Info: Cisnormative

Video: Therapy Session for Homophobic People

An Illustration of Privilege

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination


Interrupting Prejudice

We are surrounded by examples of active prejudice on a daily basis. Generally expressed through speech, we encounter racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of prejudice in a variety of settings.  For those who work diligently to oppose bigoted remarks, hate speech, discriminatory language, and prejudice comments, there are subtle but direct ways to let someone know that they are being disrespectful and offensive.  How do you interrupt prejudice?  How do you confront oppression?  How do you intervene to put a stop to culturally insensitive comments?  How assertive are you willing to be?  What would you say in response to inappropriate or hurtful remarks?




--I'm sorry, what did you say?

--Hold on, I need to process what you just said.

--I find that offensive.

--Help me understand your thinking.

--That doesn't sound very funny to me.

--Do you really believe that?

--I disagree with what you said.

--What you just said is hurtful.

--Could you clarify what you mean by that.

--That's not okay with me.

--What you just said is disrespectful.

--I didn't realize you think that way.

--I'm not comfortable with what you just said.

--We don't say things like that here.

--You might want to check yourself.


Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Anti-Prejudice Intervention Tool

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Info: Check Your Attitude

Toolkit for Interrupting Oppression

Heteronormativity Explained

We Kiss in a Shadow

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Lady Gaga: Till it Happens to You

Wikipedia: Heterosexism


Overcoming Homophobia & Heterosexism

What can I do about homophobia and heterosexism? Here are some tips:

Be non-judgemental. Being LGBTQ is not something to be ashamed of or judgmental about. Homophobia, not sexual orientation or gender identity, is the problem.

Use gender-inclusive and non-heterosexist language. Do not assume that you know someone's sexual orientation and/or the gender of one's romantic/sexual interests. Use inclusive language even if you know someone is heterosexual. Help educate and encourage others to use inclusive language, as well.

Assume that anyone you meet could be LGBTQ.  Don't assume that everyone is heterosexual "unless you know otherwise" or that everyone should be heterosexual. Similarly, don't assume that someone is LGBTQ based on stereotypes or assumptions about one's friends.

Don't tease or harass others for exhibiting behaviors that are not traditionally associated with their gender (or what you perceive their gender to be).

Don't "out" people. Do not force anyone to disclose one's sexual orientation. Also, if you know that someone is LGBTQ or is questioning one's sexual orientation, don't assume that you may tell anyone else. Be sensitive to the fact that some people are "out" in some areas of their lives, but not in others.

Don't think of LGBTQ people soley in terms of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  Just as the lives of heterosexual people include far more than their attraction to members of the opposite sex, LGBTQ persons also have friends, skills and multifaceted interests unrelated to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Don't define anyone by one's sexual orientation or gender identity.


Don't engage in homophobic jokes, comments, slurs, and other behavior. Speak up against these when you witness them. If you don't, your silence condones and encourages such behaviors.

Educate yourself. If there are things you don't know or understand about LGBTQ issues, do some research, ask questions or contact a group that deals with these issues.

Talk about sexual diversity. Maintain an inclusive group, classroom, living or workspace by talking openly and respectfully about LGBTQ issues when they come up. Treat these issues as you would any other issue.

Remember that an individual's sexual orientation involves more than just sexual behavior. It includes attraction, romance, companionship, intimacy, love, and emotional attachments as well as sexual activity.

Do not force people to hide their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Don't assume that LGBTQ people are suffering or have regrets about their sexual orientation and want to be heterosexual. Likewise, if someone who is LGBTQ is having problems, don't assume that sexual orientation is the cause.

Recognize intersections and similarities of prejudice.  Heterosexism and other forms of oppression and discrimination have similarities and areas of overlap. For example, a black lesbian may experience homophobia, racism and sexism. An East Asian man may be disadvantaged by racism in ways that are similar to the ways a gay man is disadvantaged by homophobia and heterosexism.

Engage in inclusive practices. Create work, study and living environments in which gender and sexual diversity are included, modeled and valued.

[Source: McGill Equity Subcommittee on Queer People, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec]


Definitions: Homophobia, Heterosexism, Sexual Prejudice

This is What Homophobia Feels Like

Getting Up Close to Homophobia

Microaggressions: What LGBTQ People Endure Daily

Transphobia Explained

Heteronormativity Explained

PBS Frontline: Are You Homophobic?

Info: LGBTQ Discrimination

Internalized Homophobia: What is it? And How Do You Overcome it?

Gregory Herek: Understanding Sexual Prejudice

Wikipedia: Heterosexism

Lady Gaga: Till it Happens to You

Info: Cisnormative



QUEER CAFE │ LGBTQ Information Network │ Established 2017